January 2023

Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme Result 2023

Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme Result 2023

Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme Result 2023

Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme Result 2023 Declared on its official website

Selection Procedure. The selection procedure is as follows:-

(a) Shortlisting of Applications :The Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense (Army) retains the power to select applications but is not required to provide a justification for this decision. The applicants’ emails will be used to inform them of the Centre allocation after the applications have been culled down to a select few. After the applicants have been assigned a Selection Center, they will need to log in to the website in order to choose the dates for their SSB interviews. These dates will initially be made available on a “first come, first serve” basis. Following that, the Selection Centres will decide how to distribute it. In the event that any extraordinary scenario or incident takes place, it is possible that applicants will no longer have the ability to pick the dates for their SSB interviews.

(b) The SSB interview would be conducted in Selection Centres in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Bangalore (Karnataka), and Kapurthala only with the selected eligible applicants (PB). The relevant Selection Center will only send the call up letter for the SSB interview to the candidate’s registered e-mail address and SMS number. It is up to the Directorate General of Recruiting, IHQ of the Ministry of Defense (Army), to decide where the Selection Centre will be located, and no requests for revisions will be considered in this respect.

(c) The selection process will consist of two separate stages for the candidates. Those who are successful in Stage I will go on to Stage II. Those who are unsuccessful in stage I will be brought back on the same day. The SSB interview lasts for a total of five days, and the official website of the Directorate General of Recruiting, which can be found at www.joinindianarmy.nic.in, has further information on the process. After this, those applicants who have been recommended from Stage II will go to the next step, which is a medical exam.

(d) Candidates who have been recommended by the SSB and who have been pronounced medically fit will be granted joining letters for training in the order of merit, based on the number of openings that are currently available. This is subject to the candidate satisfying all eligibility requirements.

Medical Examination

Please visit www.joinindianarmy.nic.in in order to get information on the Medical Standards and Procedures of Medical Examination for Officers Entry into the Indian Army. Note that the proceedings of the Medical Board are secret and will not be shared with anyone else under any circumstances. The Directorate General of Recruiting does not have any part to play in any medical boards, and the method that is recommended by the medical authorities will be followed to very closely.

Merit List

  • It is important to keep in mind that just qualifying for the SSB interview does not assure that you will be selected. the ultimate choice. The candidate’s performance in the SSB interview will be considered when compiling the merit list, which will be based on the candidate’s total score. In the event that more than one applicant receives the same number of points during the SSB interview, the candidate or candidates who are older shall be given priority in the merit ranking. In the event that the SSB marks and ages of more than one applicant are identical, the candidate (or candidates) who received a greater percentage of marks in the qualifying examination shall be put higher in the merit. Qualifications such as higher education, prior performance, and the like do not matter in any way. Those individuals who are found on the merit list, who fall within the allotted number of vacancies, and who demonstrate that they are physically and mentally capable will be given joining letters for PreCommissioning training at the OTA in Chennai, provided that they satisfy all of the eligibility requirements.
  •  Upon entering the Indian Army, a new recruit will have some Personal Restrictions in Service placed on them. in line with Article 33 of the Constitution of India as it was subsequently proclaimed in the Army Act and Army Rules should be followed on occasion.Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme Result 2023 Declared on its official website

Change of Interview Date/ Centre. Request for change of SSB interview date/centre will NOT be entertained or replied.


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Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme 31st Course Recruitment 2023

Indian Army JAG Entry Recruitment 2023

Indian Army JAG Entry Recruitment 2023

Unmarried male and female law graduates in their twenties who are interested in applying for Indian Army JAG Entry Recruitment 2023 a Short Service Commission in the Judge Advocate General Branch of the Indian Army are encouraged to do so. Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2019.

Educational Qualification

Minimum cumulative grade point average of 55% in their LLB test (three years of professional experience after graduation or five years after 10 plus 2 education). In addition, the CLAT PG Score from the year before is required of all applicants (both candidates who have already earned their LLM degree and candidates who will be presenting for their LLM degree) who apply for courses that will begin in a certain year. Candidates need to demonstrate that they meet the requirements to get registered as advocates with the Bar Council of India or the relevant state. The candidate must have graduated from a college or university that has been approved by the Bar Council of India. Only those candidates who are holding LLB degree and Marksheet are eligible to apply for this course p

Age Limit

21 to 27 years old as of July 1, 2023 (born between July 2, 1996 and July 1, 2002 inclusively; both dates included).

Note: It is important for applicants to keep in mind that the date of birth that is listed on the Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date that applications are due is the only one that will be accepted, and no requests for a change in this date will be considered or granted in the future.

Tenure of Engagement

A Short Service Commission will be awarded to both male and female applicants serving in the regular Army for a total of 14 years, with the first term lasting 10 years and the second period lasting 4 years after that. Officers, both male and female, who are willing to continue to serve in the Indian Army after the expiration of the period of ten years of their Short Service Commission may, if they are eligible and suitable in all respects, be considered for the grant of Permanent Commission (PC) in the 10th year of their Short Service Commission in accordance with the relevant policies as they are issued from time to time. This is done in accordance with the relevant policies as they are issued from time to time. Those SSC officers (male and female) who are not selected for the grant of PC but are otherwise considered fit and suitable will be given the option to continue serving as SSCOs for a total period of 14 years (including the initial tenure of 10 years), at the end of which they will be released from the Indian Armed Forces. This option will be made available to those SSC officers regardless of whether or not they are selected for the grant of PC.

Period of Probation

The day when an officer earns his or her commission marks the beginning of the probationary term that lasts for a total of six months. It is possible for his or her services to be terminated at any moment, either before or after the completion of the probationary period, if it is determined that he or she is not appropriate to keep their commission while they are still in the probationary period.

Termination of Commission

An officer who is awarded a Short Service Commission will be required to serve for 10 years, but the Government of India has the right to cancel his or her Commission at any time for the following reasons:

I If he or she is determined to have engaged in improper behaviour, their services may be deemed unsatisfactory, or

(ii) In the event that it is determined that the individual is medically unfit, or

(iii) If the need for his or her services is no longer present, or

(iv) If they don’t meet the requirements for any of the required tests or classes.

(v) If an officer wishes to resign his commission for compassionate reasons, they must give the Government of India three months’ notice before doing so. The Government of India shall be the only judge in this matter. An official who is given the authority to resign from their position.


Indian Army JAG Entry Recruitment 2023 Officers will spend a total of 49 weeks in training at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai.

(a) Selected applicants would be detailed for Pre-Commission training at OTA, Chennai according to their position in the final order of merit, up to the number of available vacancies, provided that they fulfil all of the qualifying conditions. This is subject to the availability of vacancies.

(b) During the time that the candidate is in training, he or she will not be permitted to be married, nor will he or she be permitted to reside with their parents or guardians. Candidates are not allowed to get married until after they have finished their whole training at OTA. If a candidate gets married after the date of his or her application, even if they pass the SSB interview and the medical test, they will not be eligible for training even if they are otherwise qualified. If a candidate gets married while they are in training, they will be kicked out of the programme and have to repay the government for any money that was spent on them while they were candidates.

(c) The University of Madras shall bestow a “Post Graduate Diploma in Defence Management and Strategic Studies” upon any and all students who are successful in completing their Pre-Commission course at the Officer Training Academy in Chennai.

Cost of Training

The United States Government bears the cost of OTA’s instruction in its whole. In the event that the Lady or Gentlemen cadet is withdrawn from training academy for reasons other than medical grounds or the reasons that are not beyond his or her control, he or she will be responsible for refunding the cost of training at Rs. 15,055/- (as of 2022) and as notified from time to time per week (for the period of candidate’s stay at the Officers Training Academy, Chennai/Cadet Training Wing).

How to Apply For Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme 31st Course

  • Indian Army JAG Entry Recruitment 2023 Applications will only be accepted via the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in, which must be visited in order to be processed.
  • Click on the link that says “Officer Entry Application/Login.” and
  • After that, choose the “Registration” tab. (Registration is not necessary if you have previously done so on the website located at www.joinindianarmy.nic.in.)
  • After reading the instructions thoroughly, you may begin filling out the online registration form. After you have registered, go to the Dashboard and choose the “Apply Online” option. There will be a page that opens up titled “Officers Selection – Eligibility.”
  • The next step is to choose the “Apply” button that is shown next to the Short Service Commission JAG Entry Course. There will be a page titled “Application Form” that opens. Carefully read the instructions, then choose “Continue” to proceed to filling out the data necessary for the different sections of the form. Personal information, information about communication, information regarding education, and information regarding any past SSBs Click “Save and Continue” at the end of each section before moving on to the next one.
  • After completing the information required for the last section, you will be sent to a page titled “Summary of your information,” where you will be able to review and make changes to the entries that have already been completed. Do not click the “Submit” button until you have confirmed that all of your information is accurate.
  • Candidates are required to click on the “Submit” button whenever they access the application of Indian Army JAG Entry Recruitment 2023 in order to make any changes to the data. The applicants are expected to print off two copies of their application, each of which must include their Roll Number, thirty minutes after the online application period has officially ended on the last day.

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Indian Navy SSC Executive Sport & L

Indian Navy SSC Executive Sport & Laws June 2023 Online Form

Indian Navy SSC Executive Sport & Laws June 2023: The Indian Navy (Nausena Bharti) has just sent out an online form invitation for the 2023 Navy Executive Sports and Law Entry. Anyone interested in applying online may do so by clicking the link below. Additionally, be sure to read the appropriate article before applying for this position.

Indian Navy SSC Executive Sport & Laws June 2023

Vacancy Details

Total Vacancy : 04 Post

Post Name

Total Post



SSC Executive Law


Men & Women

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) from Any Recognized University in India with a Minimum of 55% Marks.
  • The registration process with the Bar Council.

SSC Executive Sport


Men & Women

  • Master’s Degree OR Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Any Field with a Diploma in Sports Coaching from the National Institute of Sports and a Master of Science in Sports Coaching.
  • The candidate competed in senior-level athletics or swimming at a national championship or games.

Navy Executive Sports and Law Entry 2023: Apply Online.


Navy Executive Sports and Law Entry 2023: Apply Online.

Step 4: vacancies in the Navy Executive branch for the sports and law entry 2023.

Step 4: From the 13th of January to the 28th of February, all interested candidates may submit their applications online.

Step 4: Please refer to the announcement about Navy SSC Executive Entry June 2023 for more information.

Step 4: Please ensure that your basic information is entered, and that you also submit a picture of yourself, your signature, and any necessary identification papers.

Step 4: Check that all of your information is correct. Take a Look at the Form Before Sending It In.

Step 4: Please ensure that the application cost is paid in addition to completing the form. In the event that fees are assessed.

Step 4: Get a printout of the final form, which you will need to submit in order to continue the processing.

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Online Form 2023 for the Navy SSC Executive Branch Sports Law The Indian Naval Academy (INA) in Ezhimala, Kerala, has recently announced that they are accepting online applications for the position of Short Service Commission SSC Officers on Executive Branch (Sports and Law) of the Indian Navy under the Naval Orientation Course for the course that will begin in June 2023. (AT 23). This page is a complete rundown of all you need to know about the AT-23 Recruitment Batch set for June 2023. Before applying for the Indian Navy Officer Recruitment 2023, make sure you check the official notification. Only those applicants who meet the qualifying requirements should submit their applications online. Please check the official website for more information.

Educational Qualification : 

Post Name Qualification
SSC Executive (Law) (a) A law degree with a minimum score of 55% that satisfies the requirements for enrollment as an advocate under the Advocates Act of 1961.
(b) Prospective applicants for this admission must have graduated from a college or institution that has been approved by the Bar Council of India.
SSC Executive (Sports) A degree that is either a regular postgraduate degree or a BE or B. Tech in any discipline from a university that is accredited. During the short listing process for SSB, candidates who have a Diploma in Sports Coaching from the National Institute of Sports as well as a Master of Science in Sports (Coaching) will be given precedence.
Professional Accreditation or Certification A applicant has to demonstrate that they have competed in senior-level national championships or games in either athletics or swimming.

Indian Navy SSC Executive

Procedures for Selecting:

The selection process for SSB. (a) The applications will be whittled down to a more manageable number depending on the preference of entries and the normalised marks that applicants received in their qualifying degree. The applicants’ marks from their qualifying degree will be normalised using the formulas provided on the Join Indian Navy website.

SSB Merit list will be generated based on SSB marks, and shortlisted candidates would be called for SSB interview.

Important Date:-
The first day that applications may be submitted online will be January 13, 2023.

The deadline for submission of online applications is January 28, 2023.

Indian Navy SSC Executive Sport & Laws June 2023 Online Form Read More »

SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023

SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023

SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023

The SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023 is now available to the public and lists 11,409 vacant vacancies. The submission of an application over the internet must be completed by the 17th of February. On January 18, the Commission made the notification of the SSC MTS 2023 available online. Along with the advertisement, the option to apply online for the SSC MTS 2023 position was also made accessible. An SSC MTS application form may be filled out and submitted on the website ssc.nic.in. The SSC MTS 2023 application correction facility will be available for use beginning on February 23. The SSC MTS 2023 examination is scheduled to take place in April of 2023.

On January 18, the SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023for the SSC MTS 2023 competition. In addition to distributing the official SSC MTS & Havaldar 2023 Notification, the Commission also sent a link to the application for the SSC MTS 2023 position. The Commission has stated that there would be 11,409 opportunities for the SSC MTS 2023 examination. The date of February 17 marks the end of the window during which applicants may still submit online applications for the SSC MTS 2023 exam (11.00 PM). The Commission has stated that there would be 10,880 opportunities for SSC MTS jobs as well as 529 openings for Havaldar positions in CBIC and CBN. It is expected that the first paper of the SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023exam will be administered in the month of April 2023.

How to Download SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023?

  • Navigate to the primary website for the SSC organisation.
  • To see your ticket, choose the “Admit Card” option from the drop-down menu.
  • Please click this link in order to visit the website for the relevant SSC regional or subregional organisation.
  • By following the link, you will be able to get your admit card for the SSC MTS 2023 examination.
  • You will be required to provide the right credentials whenever you access the login page.
  • You may get a printout of your admission card for the SSC CGL test by downloading it first, then bringing it to a printer.

SSC MTS 2023 Salary : 27, 904 (31,329-3,425)

SSC Havaldar Physical Standard Test (PST) 2023

Test Male Female
Height 157.5 cms 152 cms
Chest 76-81 cms x
Weight x 48 kg


SSC Havaldar Physical Efficiency Test (PET) 2023

SSC MTS and Havaldar Admit Card 2023 Read More »

SSC MTS Havaldar Recruitment 2023

SSC MTS Recruitment 2023

 SSC MTS Recruitment 2023

11,409 open positions, the SSC MTS and Havaldar announcement 2023 has been made public. The deadline for submitting an online application is February 17. The Commission published the SSC MTS 2023 announcement online on January 18. With the notice, the SSC MTS and Havaldar announcement 2023 Apply Online link was made available. On ssc.nic.in, an SSC MTS application form may be completed. On February 23, the SSC MTS 2023 application rectification facility will debut. In April 2023, the SSC MTS 2023 test will be held.

SSC MTS Havaldar Recruitment 2023

Staff Selection Commission published the official announcement for SSC MTS 2023 on January 18. Along with the official SSC MTS & Havaldar 2023 Notification, the Commission also provided the link for the SSC MTS 2023 application. For the SSC MTS 2023 test, the Commission has announced 11,409 openings. The deadline to submit an online application for the SSC MTS 2023 test is February 17. (11.00 PM). The Commission announced 529 openings for Havaldar positions in CBIC and CBN and 10,880 openings for SSC MTS positions. It is anticipated that the SSC MTS 2023 test (Paper 1) would take place in April 2023.

The notice for the SSC MTS and Havaldar 2023 positions included the number of open positions, the application dates, the eligibility requirements, the age restriction, the syllabus, the test pattern, the list of exam centres, and the regulations that would govern the conduct of the examinations. The purpose of the Staff Selection Commission Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) test is to find qualified people to fill various non-technical posts in the ministries and departments of the Central Government. The Staff Selection Commission will hold the MTS test in 2023 in order to select candidates for the following posts:

  • Havaldar
  • Safaiwala
  • Daftary
  • Junior Gestetner Operator
  • Peon
  • Jamadar
  • Chowkidar
  • Mali

SSC MTS 2023

The SSC MTS announcement 2023 provided an official notification of the guidelines and policies that would be used for the examination. In order for the applicants to fully comprehend the steps involved in the examination, the official announcement must be read. In April of 2023, the Commission will give the SSC MTS paper 1 examination in an online format throughout the whole of India. Because of the Central Government Affirmation of growing recruitment in the Central Government Ministries, departments, and institutions, the Commission included Havaldar’s job to the SSC MTS 2023 notice.

SSC MTS 2023 Notification

On January 18, the Commission issued the formal announcement on the SSC MTS 2023 examination. Approximately one month’s worth of time was allotted by the Commission for the application procedure. The notice for the SSC MTS 2023 test includes official information on the openings, dates, exam pattern, and curriculum, as well as other relevant and crucial information about the examination. The examination procedure was started with the announcement of SSC MTS 2023.

SSC MTS 2023 Apply Online

How to Fill Online Application Form for SSC MTS Exam 2023?
Candidates may see the instructions for submitting their applications for SSC MTS 2023 below.

  • Go to the Staff Selection Commission’s (SSC) official website at ssc.nic.in.
  • Simply follow the link that says “Register Now.”
  • Please include all of the information requested on the registration form.



Candidate’s name Father’s name
Mother’s name Gender
Date of birth Category
Permanent address Email ID
Class X board name Class X roll number
Class X passing year Level of educational qualification
ID proof number Mobile number

Size and Format for Photo and Signature for SSC MTS 2023 Application

SSC MTS  Document File Dimension (in cm) File Size (in KB)
Photo 3.5 x 4.5 20-50
Signature 4.0 x 2.0 10-20

SSC MTS 2023 Paper 1 Exam Pattern

SSC MTS Paper-I Subjects Number of Questions in SSC MTS Paper-I Maximum Marks in SSC MTS Paper-I
General English 25 25
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25
Numerical Aptitude 25 25
General Awareness 25 25
Total 100 100

Negative Marking in SSC MTS Exam

Marks deducted for incorrect answer : 0.25 marks

Marks allotted for a correct answer : 1 mark

SSC MTS 2023 Paper 1 Exam Pattern

The Commission administers the SSC MTS paper 1 as a Computer Based Exam (CBE) online at the examination centres that have been established for this purpose. The applicants need to have a comprehensive understanding of the SSC MTS test pattern in order to perform more effectively on the day of the exam and get higher scores.

SSC MTS 2023 Paper 2 Exam Pattern

Paper 2 of the SSC MTS exam is administered in an offline pen and paper format by the Commission. The Commission requests each applicant to submit a letter and an essay for consideration. It is anticipated that the SSC MTS paper 2 exam pattern will be changed in the official notification, and the Commission will do away with the writing of both Essay and letter writing as was done the previous time through a Corrigendum. This will be done in order to conform to the pattern that was used for the SSC MTS paper 1.

How to Download SSC MTS 2023 Admit Card?

  • Go to the SSC organization’s main webpage
  • To see your ticket, choose the “Admit Card” option.
  • To access the appropriate SSC regional or subregional website, please click here.
  • To get your admit card for the SSC MTS 2023 exam, follow the link.
  • On the login screen, you will need to enter the appropriate credentials.
  • You may download your admit card for the SSC CGL exam and then take a printout of it

SSC MTS 2023 Salary : 27, 904 (31,329-3,425)

SSC MTS 2023 Selection Process

The official announcement contains a statement from the Commission about the selection procedure for SSC MTS 2023. The SSC MTS 2023 examination will be divided into four phases, which are as follows:

  • SSC MTS paper 1 (Objective type paper conducted as Computer-Based Exam)
  • SSC MTS paper 2 (Qualifying only)
  • SSC MTS PET/PST (Qualifying only)
  • SSC MTS Document Verification

The last step of the SSC MTS test is the document verification, after which the successful applicants will be recommended for recruitment in the relevant departments.

SSC Havaldar Physical Standard Test (PST) 2023

Test Male Female
Height 157.5 cms 152 cms
Chest 76-81 cms x
Weight x 48 kg

SSC Havaldar Physical Efficiency Test (PET) 2023


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SSC Junior Engineer 2022

SSC Junior Engineer 2022 Paper I Result 2023

SSC Junior Engineer 2022rviewSSC Junior Engineer 2022: Junior Engineer JE (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) Examination 2022 has been announced by SSC. Candidates with openings may download the results. Read the SSC JE Recruitment 2022 notice for eligibility, age limit, selection process, syllabus, pattern, pay rate, and other details.

SSC Junior Engineer JE 2022 Paper I Result 2023

SSC Junior Engineer JE 2022 Vacancy Details  



SSC Junior Engineer Eligibility

Border Road Organization BRO

Civil / Electrical / Mechanical

  • Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology Degree in Related Trade OR Diploma in Related Trade with Two Years of Related Work Experience

Central Public Works Department CPWD

Civil / Electrical

  • A diploma in engineering from a trade related to engineering.

Central Water and Power Research Station

Civil / Electrical / Mechanical

  • Having a diploma in engineering or a related trade.

Central Water Commission CWC

Civil / Mechanical

  • Engineering  Degree / Diploma in Related Trade.

Directorate of Quality Assurance Naval

Electrical / Mechanical

  • A degree in the relevant field OR a diploma in the relevant field along with two years of relevant work experience.

Farkka Barrage Project

Civil / Electrical / Mechanical

  • A diploma in engineering from a trade related to engineering.

Military Engineer Services (MES)

Civil / Electrical / Mechanical

  • a degree in the relevant field OR an engineering diploma in the relevant field combined with two years of relevant work experience.

National Technical Research Organization (NTRO)

Civil / Electrical / Mechanical

  • A diploma in engineering from a trade related to engineering.

Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works)

Civil / Electrical / Mechanical

  • Having a diploma in engineering or a related trade.

Candidates Who Have Enrolled Can Check Their JE Result 2023

How to Fill the Online Form for the SSC Junior Engineer Exam 2022


Step 4: Junior Engineer JE Applications for the Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Branches of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) have been issued today. Notification Regarding the SSC Junior Engineer Post Jobs 2022 and an Invitation to Submit an Online Application Form Candidates may submit their applications online between August 12 and September 2, 2022.

Step 4: Before applying for the SSC Latest Recruitment 2022 Application Form under the Sarkari Result Latest Job Section, candidates should first read the relevant notification.

Step 4: Please check everything and collect all the documents, including your handwriting, eligibility requirements, ID proof, address details, and basic information.

Step 4: Please be prepared to scan any documents related to the employment application, such as your photo, signature, identification card, thumbprint, and so on.

Step 4: Before you send in your application, you are required to double check both the preview and every column.

Step 4: If the candidate is required to pay the application fee, then they must submit their application. Your form will not be considered complete if you do not possess the necessary application fees.

Step 4: Get a printout of the final form that was submitted.

SSC Junior Engineer 2022 -Overview

Download Exam Notice

Click Here

Download Notification

Click Here

Download Syllabus

Click Here


Apply Online

Click Here

SSC Official Website

Click Here


SSC Junior Engineer 2022

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SSC Junior Engineer 2022 Paper I Result 2023 Read More »

Indian Army NCC Recruitment 2023

Indian Army NCC Recruitment 2023

Unmarried male and female applicants have been encouraged to submit their information to the Indian Army in order to be considered for the NCC SPECIAL ENTRY SCHEME 54th COURSE (October 2023) SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (NT) (including Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel). The deadline for submission of online applications was January 17th, 2023. Read the whole article to find out the qualifications needed to apply, the number of open positions, the process for choosing candidates, etc…. For more information, please visit the following website: https://www.adda247.com/defence-jobs/indian-army-ncc-special-entry-recruitment/.

Eligibility Criteria / Educational Qualification for Indian Army NCC Special Entry Scheme 54th Course (October 2023)


The following is a list of the required educational qualifications for the NCC Special Entry position in the Indian Army:

  • Should have served for a minimum of two/three years (depending on the position) in the Senior Division/Wg of NCC and hold a degree from a recognised university or an equivalent with an aggregate of at least 50% marks when taking into account grades from all of the years of study.
  • Grading. Should have received a grade of at least a ‘B’ on the NCC Certificate Exam for the ‘C’ Level.
    Applicants who are not in possession of their NCC “C” Certificate on the day that they submit their application will not be considered for placement in the course
  • It is NOT necessary to have an NCC ‘C’ Certificate in order to work in the Wards of Battle Casualties.
  • Students currently enrolled in their final year of a three- or four-year degree programme are also eligible to apply for the Indian Army NCC Special Entry programme, provided they have earned a minimum of fifty percent of possible points on an aggregate scale in the first two or three years of their programme.

If these students are chosen to go on to the interview stage, they will need to maintain an overall aggregate score of at least 50% in their degree programme; otherwise, their candidature will be DISQUALIFIED

Salary / Pay Scale for Candidates Selected Through Indian Army NCC Special Entry Scheme


  • Candidates who are selected as Candidates Selected Through Indian Army NCC Recruitment 2023 will be appointed as Gentlemen or Lady Cadets during their training and will receive a fixed monthly stipend of Rs. 56,100/-. In addition, candidates who are selected as Candidates Selected Through Indian Army NCC Special Entry 2023 will be able to apply.
  • After finishing their training, these Gentlemen or Lady Cadets will be commissioned as Lieutenants in the Indian Army, with a salary range ranging from Rs. 56,100/- to Rs. 1,77,500/-. (Level 10)

Indian Army NCC Recruitment 2023: Selection Procedure


The following is how the selection process works: –

(a) Shortlisting of Applications

  • The Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence (Army) retains the power to select applications, but they are not required to provide a justification for their decision.
    Following the selection of applications for further review, applicants will get an email informing them of the Centre allotment.
  • After the candidates have been assigned a Selection Center, they will be required to check in to the website in order to pick their SSB dates. These days will initially be made available on a “first come, first serve” basis.
  • After that, it will be distributed based on the Selection Centres’ decisions.
    The ability of applicants to choose their own dates for the SSB examination is subject to the possibility of being taken away if extraordinary circumstances or events take place

(b) The SSB would be conducted at the Selection Centres in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Bangalore (Karnataka), and Kapurthala only on the applicants who were selected and found to be eligible (Punjab).

Only applicants with a registered e-mail address and mobile phone number will get a call-up letter for an SSB interview. This will be done by the appropriate Selection Centre.

It is up to the Directorate General of Recruiting, Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence (Army), to decide where the Selection Centre will be located, and no requests for adjustments will be considered in this respect.

(c) Candidates who have been recommended by the SSB and who have been deemed medically fit shall be granted joining letters for training in the order of merit, based on the number of openings that are currently available…. .

Indian Army NCC Recruitment 2023


  • Only applications submitted electronically via the website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in will be accepted. After clicking on “Officer Entry Appln/Login,” go to the next step by selecting “Registration” (Registrations not required, if already registered on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in). After carefully reading the provided instructions, you should complete the online registration form.
  • After you have registered, go to the Dashboard and choose the “Apply Online” option.
    There will be a page that opens up titled “Officers Selection – Eligibility.” The next step is to choose the “Apply” button that is shown next to the “Short Service Commission NCC Special Entry Course.”
  • The page titled “Application Form” will load in its place. Carefully read the instructions, then choose “Continue” to proceed to filling out the data necessary for the different sections of the form.
  • Personal information, information about communication, information regarding education, and information regarding any past SSBs Click “Save and Continue” at the end of each section before moving on to the next one.
  • After completing the information required for the last section, you will be sent to a page titled “Summary of your information,” where you will be able to review and make changes to the entries that have already been completed.
  • Do not click the “Submit” button until you have confirmed that all of your information is accurate.
  • Candidates are required to click on the “Submit” button whenever they access the application in order to make any changes to the data.

A career in the Indian Army is guaranteed to be completely distinct from that offered by any other government or commercial institution. To become an officer in the Indian Army demands a significant amount of hard work and devotion. If you are considering a career in the Indian Armed Forces, you should educate yourself about the selection process as well as the way of life in the Indian Army.

If you have decided that you want to serve in the Indian Army, then you should not waver from this decision and continue to work toward it until you succeed. If you achieve the minimal percentage required by the Indian Army, then you will be invited to an SSB interview directly. When you join the Indian Army as a profession, you have the chance to be a member of the best army in the world and to get training that will make you an officer and a gentleman for the rest of your life….

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south central railway recruitment 2023

South Central Railway Recruitment 2023

South Central Railway Recruitment 2023

If you want to work in the Railway department, then now is your chance to begin a career in the Indian railway department with the Posts of Trade Apprentice Posts and get selected on the basis of an Interview OR merit list. If you want to work in the Railway department, then this is a great opportunity for you (As per Qualifications). Because of this, the RRC South Central Railway department is looking for applicants who are interested in applying for one of the 4103 Bumper Posts vacancies in the overall Railway recruiting cell in Secundrabad. If you meet the basic requirements for eligibility (which are shown below), then you are eligible to complete an online registration via the official website of the RRC Secundrabad, which is located at www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in (Note: No other Apply Method will be accepted). We are urging the applicants that, before proceeding with the RRC SCR recruitment 2023 process, they must first read the official announcement and carefully examine all of the pertinent details.

South Central Railway Recruitment 2023

South Central Railway Recruitment 2023 South Central Railway has presented a wonderful chance for employment to young people who are searching for work in the railway industry. Candidates that meet the requirements have been asked to submit their applications for the position of Apprentice here. Through the efforts of this recruiting campaign, more than four thousand positions will be filled. Candidates that meet the requirements for these positions and have an interest in applying for them may do so by submitting their applications in the manner that is specified before the deadline. In order for them to accomplish their goal, they will need to go to the South Central Railway’s official website, which can be found at scr.indianrailways.gov.in. Candidates who have finished their 10th grade and come from boards that are recognised may apply for these positions. In addition to this, they should also hold an ITI Diploma in the trade that is relevant to the position. Candidates must be between the ages of 15 and 24 in order to apply for these positions; the age restriction is not specified. According to the regulations set out by the government, the age limit for the reserved category will be loosened. You may visit the official website if you want more information on who is eligible for the programme.

Specifics Regarding the Open Position:

Permit us to inform you that the South Central Railway Recruitment 2023, South Eastern Railway (SER), and North Western Railway are all in the process of recruiting new employees (NWR)

The announcement (Official Notification) of south central railway recruitment 2023 about 7914 Apprenticeship Vacancy positions has been made available by SAIL (RRC).

Apprenticeship Positions Available on the South Central Railway (SCR): 4103

Apprenticeship Positions Available on the South Eastern Railway (SER): 2026

There are 1785 open positions for apprentices on the North Western Railway (NWR).

Important Dates: The beginning of online applications for the South Central Railway (SCR) Recruitment 2023 will begin on December 30, 2022.

The deadline for submission of applications is January 29th, 2023.

Recruitment Opportunities on the South Eastern Railway (SER) in 2023

The first day of accepting applications online will be January 3, 2023.

The application period will close on February 2nd, 2023.

Recruitment Opportunities on the North Western Railway (NWR) in 2023

The first day of accepting applications online will be January 10, 2023.

The deadline for submission of applications is February 10th, 2023.

Education Requirements: Applicants for these positions south central railway recruitment 2023 need to have a 10th-grade education with a minimum score of 50 percent in order to be considered.

Should be relatively close to one another. In conjunction with this, ITI activities should be carried out in the associated trade.

Age Requirement: Candidates for these positions (Railway Naukri 2023) must be between the ages of 15 and 24 in order to be considered eligible for employment.

How to Apply: Those individuals who are interested in applying and who meet the requirements can do so by going to the official website of Railways and filling out the application there.

How will the selection take place?

The merit of each candidate will be taken into consideration during the selection process. The tenth grade and the industrial training institute marks will be used to compile the merit list. In order to do this, the candidates need to display the original versions of their documents.
Be aware as well that the application deadline for these positions is the 29th of January 2023. Complete the form before the specified due date.

What is the cost of this service?

Candidates will be required to pay a fee of 100(Rs.) in order to submit an application for these positions. This amount is for candidates applying under the general category. Candidates who fall under the categories of SC, ST, women, or persons with disabilities do not have to pay any kind of fee. The salary will be determined in accordance with the standards of South Central Railway Recruitment 2023

How to apply

  • Visit the official website, scr.indianrailways.gov.in, to begin the application process.
  • There will be a link to the online Act Apprentice Application given here; please click on it.
  • To register, select the Now button.
  • Register immediately with a valid email address and mobile phone number.
  • Now, with the assistance of the password, fill out the application form.
  • Pay the fee that is required, and include a scanned copy of the documents with your payment.
  • To finish, click the “submit” button.
  • Kindly submit your application by paying the fee and taking a copy of the receipt for your records.

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HC Ministerial Recruitment 2022

CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Recruitment 2022

CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Admit Card 2023: From January through March 2022, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is accepting applications for the position of constable (fire). There were 1,149 posts in total. Since the CISF Constable Fireman Recruitment 2022 has started, the organization has announced the date of the exam and when the admit cards will be available.

CISF ASI Stenographer Admit Card 2023, HC Ministerial Admit Card

You are being advised that the date for the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial PET/PST Exam has been released and that the link to get the admit card has also been enabled as of today, which is the 17th of January 2023. Now that the test schedule is out, candidates must finish their preparations as soon as possible. Also, candidates should check this website often to see if their admissions cards have changed. In September and October 2022, the Central Industrial Security Force will be taking applications for 540 CISF ASI stenographer and HC ministerial jobs all over India. This recruitment offered a once-in-a-lifetime chance to individuals studying for jobs in the defense sector, and having completed intermediate education was one of the primary requirements for applying. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is now accepting applications for the position of constable (fire) from January to March 2022. Overall, 1,149 different postings were termed “posts.” Now, the group in charge of the CISF Constable Fireman Recruitment 2022 has announced the date of the test and the date when applicants can get their admit cards.

CISF ASI Stenographer Admit Card 2023, HC Ministerial Admit Card

Candidates are allowed to get their CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Admit Cards by entering the correct credentials they have been given (Sarkari Result). Candidates are expected to get to the testing site on time so they can finish any pre-testing requirements that may be needed.

CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Recruitment 2022

Candidates are concerned about the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial curriculum as well as the test pattern since the date of the examination is drawing near. Therefore, in order to take the test, you need to be familiar with the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial curriculum, the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial exam pattern, and the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial practise paper. Only then should you go ahead and take the test. In light of this, we have provided the application status, the exam date, and a link to download the admit card, as well as the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Syllabus and a link to CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial practise paper, all of which can be found in the section that follows. This will allow candidates to improve their exam preparation.

Now, all of the applicants have been reminded to be on time and to maintain the appropriate decorum inside the examination room, since there will be pre-examination procedures taking place there.

wishes all applicants the very best of luck and advises them to study hard and get as much practice as they can.

On the official site, there are links to download the CISF Constable Fireman Admit Card 2022 and the Sarkari Result.

Instructions for Downloading the CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Admit Card 2022 

Step 4: To download their CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Admit Card, aspirants must visit the vital link section below.

Step 4: After receiving the link, applicants must click it to receive their CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Admit Card.

Step 4: Candidates must enter their details:

  • Registration Number/Roll Number
  • DOB/Password
  • Captcha code (if specified)

Step 4: Candidates may get their CISF ASI Steno, HC Ministerial Admit Card after entering their information correctly.

Step 4: Candidates can also get their Admit Card from the CISF website.


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Rajasthan RSMSSB Informatic Assistant Recruitment 2023

Rajasthan RSMSSB Informatic Assistant Recruitment 2023

Rajasthan RSMSSB Informatic Assistant Recruitment 2023 Post has an advertisement from the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board, RSMSSB. Candidates who meet the requirements and are interested in this Informatic Assistant Advt No. 01/2023 may apply online between January 27, 2023, and February 25, 2023. Read the advertising for further details on the application process, including the curriculum, age restrictions, required qualifications, wage range, and other information.

Rajasthan RSMSSB Informatic Assistant (IA) Recruitment 2023

Under the Rajasthan Informatics Assistant Notification 2023, which has been released by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, there are now 2730 open positions available. It is my duty to notify you that the RSMSSB IA Recruitment 2023 has been thoroughly covered in this article for your use as a reference, as stated in the information that were provided in the notice. Now, if you are also interested in this post, please check the Rajasthan Information Assistant Qualification 2023 that we have stated below. We have included this information for your convenience. In order to be eligible to Apply Online for the RSMSSB IA Recruitment 2023, you need to have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer-Related Subjects. We spoke about the age limit and the process for filling out the online application form for the RSMSSB IA Vacancy 2023. After you have completed filling out the RSMSSB Informatic Assistant Application Form 2023, you need to pay the Fees via the Online Mode.

As is common knowledge, the government of Rajasthan publishes a number of job openings; hence, they published the most recent opening for an informatics assistant today (IA). You should be aware that the RSMSSB Informatics Assistant Recruitment 2023 has been declared, and that under it, there are 2730 vacancies for Suchna Sahayak positions. You are eligible to apply for this opening if you have a bachelor’s degree in any area of computer science. If you do so, you must first pass the selection exam in order to be considered for the position. As a result, we have decided to provide you with comprehensive information on this recruitment, including the Application Form, the Qualification Requirement, the Eligibility Requirement, the Notification, and other facts. If you are interested in applying for this position and meet the requirements, the online application form will be available on the 27th of January 2023, and the deadline to submit an application online for this position is the 25th of February 2023.

RSMSSB Information Announcement 2023

The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board has announced the availability of many positions by publishing the Suchna Sahayak Notification.

Second, there are a total of 2730 open positions that may be filled via this recruiting. Online applications will be accepted starting on the 27th of January, and the deadline for submission is the 25th of February, 2023.

You should register for the recruitment online before the deadline using all of the relevant papers, and you should do it online.

Before continuing with the online registration process, you are requested to read the RSMSSB IA Notification 2023 in its entirety.

Before you fill out the Registration Form, make sure you read the eligibility and qualification requirements for this role as well.

In the part that can be seen above, all of the candidates who are considering applying for the IA Recruitment should look for the relevant details. In this table, the rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in Information Assistant Application Form 2023 Dates have been presented in a straightforward and understandable manner. With your SSO ID, you may begin the online registration on January 27, 2023, and the deadline to register for this recruitment is on February 25, 2023. You have to do well on the written examination if you want to be considered for the IA Vacancy. After that, an interview together with the verification of your documents will be used to make the final selection from among the applicants who are suitable.

Rajasthan IA Qualification 2023

The vacancy notice for the IA position may be found at the Department of Information Technology, and that department currently has 2730 open positions.

The advertisement for the Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak Recruitment 2023 is scheduled to be published on January 16, 2023, and the first day that applicants may submit their applications online is scheduled for January 27.

In order to be considered for either the computer test or the interview, applicants have to get a passing score on the written exam that will take place in July 2023.

Applicants who are interested in this position are required to submit their applications online at rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in using their SSO IDs.

Be sure that you have all of the necessary papers on hand before beginning to fill out the application form. These documents include an e-Aadhar card, a pan card, a photo, a signature, a degree certificate, and any additional certifications that may be requested by the portal.

How to Fill Rajasthan RSMSSB Informatics Assistant Recruitment Online Form 2023

  • The advertisement number for this position is 01/2023, and it was posted by the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB). Candidates may submit their applications between January 27 and February 25, 2023.
  • Before submitting your application for the recruitment application form at RSMSSB, candidates must first read the notification and then apply online for the position of informatics assistant 2023.
  • Please check and collect all of the necessary documents, including proof of eligibility, identification, address details, and basic information.
  • Please be prepared to scan any documents related to the employment application, including your photo, signature, and proof of identification.
  • Before you send in your application, you are required to double check both the preview and every column.
  • Get a printout of the final form that was submitted.

The Rajasthan Intermediate Examination, 2023

The Rajasthan Information Assistant Qualification 2023 is broken down into the following few parts, which we have outlined below.

  • To begin, you are need to have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from an Indian university that is officially recognised and to have graduated from that university.
  • The second requirement is that you should be able to pass a computer typing test with a minimum speed of 20 words per minute.
  • As of the first of January in 2023, the age limit for applicants to the Institute of Aviation will be increased from 21 to 40 years old.
  • Honorable Mention in Sports Applicants for this job need to be in possession of a certificate issued by the relevant authorities in order to be considered.

Guidelines to Apply Online RSMSSB Informatic Assistant Recruitment 2023

To begin, you are asked to bring up the rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in website on your device and then to choose the Active Recruitment option from the menu that appears.

To go on to the next step, you will need to click on the link that says “Informatic Assistant Recruitment” right now.

Click the Apply online option, and then continue with the Registration process by either generating a new SSO ID or logging in with an existing one, if you have one.

You must now fill out the Application Form with all of the essential information, including your name, the details of your parents, your qualification, the marks you received on your degree, and any other information that is requested on the site.

After confirming the information, you may then upload your photo, signature, and character certificate before submitting the application.

Now is the time to pay the application costs, and after that, you should submit the form for the authorities to check.
You may submit an online application for the RSMSSB IA Recruitment 2023 if you follow these recommendations.

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