RRC Railway NWR Recruitment 2023

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RRC Railway NWR Recruitment 2023

Raiway Recruitment Cell North Western Railway Recruitment 2023

The Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) is actively recruiting online submissions for the North Western Railway (RRC) NWR Apprentice 2023 Application Form. Candidates who meet the requirements can submit their applications for the RRC NWR Apprentice Vacancy 2023 via the website beginning on the 10th of January 2023 and continuing until the 10th of February 2023

RRC Railway NWR Recruitment 2023 Admit Card


RRC Railway  will be made available for download on the official website, which can be found at rrcjaipur.in. Candidates will need to provide their user id and their dates of birth in order to obtain an admission card. Candidates who have selected RRB Ajmer or RRC NWR as their Railway Zone are the only ones who will be able to get their Admit Card. A few things to keep in mind with the admission ticket:

On the day of the exam, bring a print copy with you.

Important information such as the test’s date, time, location, and roll number are all included on it.

In addition to the admission ticket, you will need to provide one evidence of photo identification and a photograph that is passport size.

It is required that the photo be identical to the one that was submitted with the RRC Railway NWR .

Exam Parinam

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